BPI-R2 新镜像:Ubuntu-16.04-mate-desktop-bpi-r2-sd-emmc-v1.2.0. 2017-09-04

BPI-R2 new Image :2017-09-04-ubuntu-16.04-mate-desktop-bpi-r2-sd-emmc-v1.2.0.img.zip

WIFI working fine and boot from eMMC flash.

V1.2 Release notes

  1. About this release

    This release is for banana pi R2 board which is based on MTK7623N, and it just includes Ubuntu image which is based on Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS Mate Desktop with Linux kernel 4.4.70, we can get the Linux kernel 4.4.70 from the link https://github.com/BPI-SINOVOIP/BPI-R2-bsp.

    The file system is based on Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS Mate Desktop, the default user name/password are pi/bananapi , root/bananapi.

  2. What’s new in this release

    1. Support HDMI audio

    2. Support onboard WIFI module(MT6625), The wifi interface is enabled by default in latest image which is released by banana-pi please use command “echo 0>/dev/wmtWifi” to turn it off and use the command “echo 1>/dev/wmtWifi” to enable it.

    3. Enable EMMC

    4. Change the DDR frequency from 1.3GHZ to 1.6GHZ

    5. Both PWM4 and PWM5 work

    6. Add the utility iperf to this image

  3. Known limitations

    1. BT isn’t supported

    2. MIPI interface doesn’t work

    3. Sometimes Linux kernel 4.4.70 can’t boot successfully

    4. Somtimes HDMI doesn’t work fine

    5. AP mode isn’t supported yet

  4. Image link:

    Google drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_YnvHgh2rwjNUFiY0F2aURxY00/view?usp=sharing

    Baidu drive: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1jH4pl5c

    md5sum: 8c554bfe1f2e84c74fc60aef298282fa

请问怎么把img烧录到emmc,然后从emmc启动,https://bananapi.gitbooks.io/banana-pi-bpi-r2-open-source-smart-router/content/linux-image.html只有ubuntu-16.04-mate-desktop-docker-preview2-bpi-r2-sd-emmc.img-2017-08-01的boot from emmc步骤,没有Ubuntu-16.04-mate-desktop-bpi-r2-sd-emmc-v1.2.0.img.zip 2017-09-04 boot from emmc步骤。Ubuntu-16.04-mate-desktop-bpi-r2-sd-emmc-v1.2.0.img.zip 2017-09-04从sd启动后,没有BPI-R2-EMMC-boot0-0k.img.gz