Win 10 IoT BSP for BPI-M64 on Github

Ladies?? and Gentlemen!

After so loooooooooong silence, I have several good news for you guys who care about Windows 10 IoT Core on BPI-M64.

We have released the latest RS2 version image, and it will be uploaded soon.

In this release, we have fixed some serious bugs such as Ethernet. (oh oh oh~~~ we can use Ethernet eventually!!! )

Here is some notes:

Some updates:

  1.  Update the OS version to build v.10.0.15063.0 (Creators Update)
  2.  New page style of Device Portal, visit https://deviceipaddr:8080 to check it
  3.  Built-in Cortana assistant, need to be enabled in settings page in default app and Device Portal
  4.  Support on-screen keyboard, need to be enabled in Device Portal
  5.  Enable 100M Ethernet and fix some bugs
  6.  Support built-in UART bus in A64 SoC(not built in the ffu, later provide driver binary and deployment helper)
  7.  Support built-in IR module in A64 SoC(not built in the ffu, later provide source code and dev doc for developers in community)

Known Issues:

  1.  Kernel debug is enabled by default. This will slow the bring-up process. If a kernel debug is not necessary for you, visit Device Portal and navigate to Processes->Run Command page, run this command to disable:

Bcdedit /store C:\EFIESP\EFI\Microsoft\boot\BCD /set {default} debug off
2. An PnP bug in audio device may cause a blue screen when acting software shutdown
3. Ethernet device may not start with problem code 12 at the first time to bring up

And another bomb! I uploaded core driver binaries and packaging toolchains on GitHub!

Here is the repo address:

And also some driver source code here with A64 datasheet in readme:

Welcome makers developers and anyone-elsers to post your feedback.