- based on ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS Mate Desktop
- support BPI-M2 Magic (A33 / R16 ) kernel 3.4.39
- username & password: pi/bananapi , root/bananapi
- support LCD 5" (default)
- support WIFI
- support BT (with bluetoothctl can setup)
- support UART (default console use /dev/ttyS2, set 2 pin mode for /dev/ttyS2)
- support I2C (test with bpi_test_lcd1602)
- support SPI (test with bpi_test_hello & bpi_test_52pi)
- support eMMC (support boot from eMMC)
- support Battery
11 . support MIC (can use chromium to google voice search) - support touch screen (can control desktop or getevent to test)
13 support power key (getevent can test) - support OTG
- support CAMERA ov5640 (guvcview / cap / ffmpeg-3.1.4 support video H.264 hw encode)
- support uEnv.txt to fatload uImage
- support bpi-bootsel
- support bpi-copy to write SD/eMMC with img.zip file
- support video play 1080p with vdpau (mpv , vlc, smplayer)
- support xrdp
- support chromium 61.0.3163.100
- support wiringpi 2.44 (https://github.com/BPI-SINOVOIP/BPI-WiringPi2, thanks to http://wiringpi.com/ & https://github.com/WiringPi/WiringPi)
- support rpi.gpio 0.6.3 for python (https://github.com/BPI-SINOVOIP/RPi.GPIO, thanks to raspberry-gpio-python download | SourceForge.net)
- Thanks for linux-sunxi community (http://linux-sunxi.org/)
- Special thanks for Alex support with camera functions (https://github.com/avafinger)
- ref. https://github.com/BPI-SINOVOIP/BPI-M2M-bsp
- ref. About BPI-M2 Magic - banana pi BPI-M2 Magic IoT development board
Google Drive:
baidu cloud:
MD5: 23cd3f0891d8ad274984eea3f4981eab
FILESIZE: 1797068967 (~1713MB)
UNPACK: 7296MB (eMMC size)
Test Wiringpi GPIO function: