Banana Pi BPI-M2P New Image Release: Ubuntu 16.04 V1.1
1.About this release
- This release is for banana pi M2P board which is based on Allwinner H3, and it is based on ubuntu 16.04 operation system with kernel 3.4.39.
2.What’s new in this release
Wi-Fi client supported
Bluetooth (with bluetoothctl) supported
Camara ov5640: ffmpeg/cap/guvcview supported
IR function supported
New eMMC supported
WringPi supported
HDMI 1080P & 720P & 480P supported
1080P with vdpau supported
3.Known limitations
Ap mode is unstable
OTG adbd doesn’t work
4.Image link:
Baidu Drive:2018-05-04-ubuntu-16.04-mate-desktop-v1.1-bpi-m2p-sd-emmc.img.zip_免费高速下载|百度网盘-分享无限制
Google Drive:
Support wiringpi 2.44 (GitHub - BPI-SINOVOIP/BPI-WiringPi2: (NEW) support all Banana Pi boards in one version(auto detect). Gordon's Arduino wiring-like WiringPi Library for the Raspberry Pi (Unofficial Mirror for WiringPi bindings), thanks to &
Support rpi.gpio 0.6.3 for python (GitHub - BPI-SINOVOIP/RPi.GPIO: RPi.GPIO (A Python module to control the GPIO on a Raspberry Pi) for Banana Pi, forked from raspberry-gpio-python, thanks to raspberry-gpio-python download |
Thanks for linux-sunxi community (
Special thanks for Alex support with camera functions (avafinger · GitHub)
- For more operation details please see Wiki: Getting Started with M2P - Banana Pi Wiki