BananaPi BPI-M2P(H3) 新镜像: Ubuntu 16.04, Raspbian 9 and Debian 9 with kernel 4.4 2018-11-09

BananaPi BPI-M2P(H3) new demo images release with kernel 4.4 2018-11-09

1.About this release

  • This release is for banana pi M2P board which is based on Allwinner H3, We release three images, Ubuntu 16.04, Raspbian 9 and Debian 9 with kernel 4.4.

2.M2P Ubuntu 16.04

  1. Features Map
  1. Image Links:

3.M2P Raspbian 9

  1. Features Map
  1. Image Links:

4.M2P Debian 9

  1. Features Map
  1. Image Links:
