Banana Pi BPI-W2 new image: Android 7.1.1 support GMS 2019-01-14

BPI-W2 Android7 new image support GMS 20190114


  1. How to burn Android7 image on W2 Emmc by bpi-copy.

    (1) Download Linux image from here:

    baidu drive: 2018-09-15-ubuntu-18.04-server-bpi-copy-emmc-nvr-android7-bpi-w2-sd-emmc.img.zip_免费高速下载|百度网盘-分享无限制

    google drive:

    (2) Burn this ubuntu image on your sd card.

    (3) Sw4 switch to 1, then use W2 boot from this sd card which you have burn ubuntu image.

    (4) Then “cd /”, you will find an Android7 image in this directory.


(5) Use “bpi-copy” to burn image to emmc.

(6) Then power off W2m, switch Sw4 to 0, power on.

  1. How to update android image on W2:

    (1) Download new android 7 image from here:

    baidu drive:

    google drive:

    (2) Copy the file “install.img”, to your usb disk.

    (3) Plug your usb disk in usb3.0 interface of W2.

    (4) Use usb-serial to connect W2, open a console terminal on your PC.

    (5) Then power on W2, and press “Tab” button on PC to update image in your W2.

请问7.0的 android源码开源吗?我想自己编译源码。

最近在调试W2的安卓7.1,结果发现有两个驱动模块通不过version magic的检查,分别是ufsd.ko和jnl.ko,文件相互依赖。其他驱动模块都是在“4.1.35-04005-dirty”下编译的,为何这两个文件是在“4.1.35-04005-g6c2818e-dirty”下编译的,目前导致这两个驱动无法装载,NTFS格式的U盘或者移动硬盘无法识别,请问有对应“4.1.35-04005-dirty”的ko文件吗?我是小白,没有源码,也不会编译,请教大神有没有解决的方案,谢谢!