BPI-M4/BPI-W2 Demo Image Release : Ubuntu Mate 18.04 & Ubuntu Server 16.04 2019-06-18

BPI-M4 & BPI-W2 New Image Release : Ubuntu Mate 18.04 & Ubuntu Server 16.04 2019-06-18


1.About this release

  • This release is for banana pi M4 & W2 board, and it is based on Ubuntu Mate 18.04 & Ubuntu Server 16.04 Operation system with kernel 4.9.119.

2.BPI-M4 Ubuntu Mate 18.04

3.BPI-M4 Ubuntu Server 16.04


  • Issue: if HDMI doesn’t display, please try “ctrl + alt + F1” to change terminal then “ctrl + alt + F7” change to desktop display.

  • SW2: switch to 0,if insert SD, SD start;if doesn’t insert SD,EMMC start.