BPI-R64 new image : LEDE17 (OpenWRT) image Kernel:4.4.177 SD&eMMC booting 2020-04-09

BPI-R64 new image : LEDE17 (OpenWRT) image Kernel:4.4.177 2020-04-09

  1. LEDE17 image name: OpenWRT-MTK-BPI-R64-SD.img
  2. Kernel:4.4.177
  3. Boot media: SD Card and eMMC , this have 2 image .
  4. MD5: 21a6d89979d473cde59f7d61f3
  5. this image have full support BPI-MT7615 wifi module:

download link :

google driver: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EK6fkGivZB3OmY38W8gN4rFAsnInMlNl

baidu cloud: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1UR-Uli2chQ5tO9VCl5Yz6A Pincode:j00s

more about BPI-R64 open source hardware: http://wiki.banana-pi.org/Banana_Pi_BPI-R64