BPI-R18-AVS 新镜像: Ubuntu 16.04.4 with linux kernel 4.4.89 2018-4-17

BPI-R18-AVS new image: Ubuntu 16.04.4 with linux kernel 4.4.89 2018-4-17

run on BPI-R18-AVS ,use audacity listen to the 8 channels voice.


  1. based on ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS 64bit Mate Desktop
  2. support BPI-R18-AVS & BPI-M64 kernel 4.4.89
  3. username & password: pi/bananapi , root/bananapi
  4. support HDMI
  5. support WIFI (AP6255 / AP6212)
  6. support BT (with bluetoothctl can setup)
  7. support 3-Mic (for BPI-R18-AVS)
  8. support uEnv.txt to fatload uImage
  9. support bpi-bootsel to set BPI-R18-AVS & BPI-M64
  10. support video play 1080p with vdpau (mpv , vlc, smplayer)
  11. support docker
  12. support chromium
  13. Thanks for linux-sunxi community (http://linux-sunxi.org/)
  14. ref. https://github.com/BPI-SINOVOIP/BPI-M64-bsp-4.4 (TODO)
  15. ref. https://bananapi.gitbooks.io/banana-pi-open-source-project-ai-design/content/aiworld-software.html
  16. ref. https://bananapi.gitbooks.io/bpi-m64/content/en/

0. open & release https://github.com/BPI-SINOVOIP/BPI-M64-bsp-4.4

  1. audio driver & path fine tune.
  2. support gmac (BPI-M64)
  3. mali gpu for hdmi (sunxi drm for lcd ready)
  4. support camera
  5. support LCD7" (BPI-M64)

Google Drive:

MD5: 4b7e163d260e58a39ba8905e7ed39943

FILESIZE: 1466938856 (~1398MB)

UNPACK: 7296MB (eMMC size)

Match google chromium for voice input, Microphone arrays work fine:

note : this image also can run on BPI-M64 ,but gMac not working . you need use bpi-bootsel to let it run on BPI-M64


test run owncloud on docker, so cool.


Banana Pi BPI-R18-AVS MIC AVS A/V demo
